CCA is a Christian Charity that seeks to demonstrate God’s love by providing practical support for those that need it.
We are driven by the desire to see God’s Kingdom on earth. We are an ecumenical Christian organisation and we partner with other organisations and churches. We welcome people of all faiths and none.
Our desire is for CCA to be:
- A place where God is honoured through our words and actions
- A place where all people, clients, customers, donors, volunteers and staff are treated with dignity and respect
- A place where practical help can be found
- A place where Christian compassion can be found
- A place where people of all faiths and none can work/volunteer to support our diverse community
- A place where our environment is cared for through the promotion of reuse, repair and recycling and promoting sustainable living
- A place where people can find support to overcome barriers to employment through training, work placements and building confidence
We seek to reflect the Christian faith in all that we say, do or give, and we ask all our volunteers and staff to respect that as the ethos of CCA.
For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.
Ephesians 2:10 NRSV